November 16th and 28th, IDKF Audiovisual Exhibition Exhibition 2024, Sunny High Club and Musik der Jahrhunderte, Stuttgart. Nick Land’s Meltdown AI-fication.
December 14th, NeurIPS 2024 Workshop on Creativity & Generative AI, Walter Benjamin’s The Destructive Character AI-fication.
March 25th 2025 to April 8th 2025, Artist in Residence, Institute for Computer Music and Sound Technology (ICST), Zurich, Switzerland.
August 1st – 31st, film screening at Newfilmmakers NY, New York City, USA. Nick Land’s Meltdown AI-fication.
September 13rd-28th, Kipppunkt – Group exhibition ‘tipping point’, Oberwelt e.V., Stuttgard, Germany. Nick Land’s Meltdown AI-fication.
July 26th-28th, DIVFUSE / INNOVATE 2024, Project DIVFUSE, London, UK, Nick Land’s Meltdown AI-fication.
ON SCREEN 2024, Digital </ Video Art Internation Streaming Festival, Vienna, Austira. Nick Land’s Meltdown AI-fication.
May 29th – May 31st, /imagine…Digital Soul – Silicon Valley International Contemporary Art Exhibition, ArtX Gallery and Gen AI Summit, Palace of Fine Arts, San Francisco CA, USA. Nick Land’s Meltdown AI-fication
May 27th, film screening at Zepstone International Film Awards, Salt Lake City, Utah, USA. Nick Land’s Meltdown AI-fication.
May 25th, Live Coding Noise with SuperCollider, TOPLAP Live Stream: ICLC Satellite, streamed at eulerroom.com, organized by TOPLAP.
May 21st, Telematic live coding performances in SuperCollider using OscGroups. PEARL (Performative Environment Art Research Lab) of the Department of Audiovisual Arts of the Ionian University and TOPLAP Athens. ICLC 2024 satellite event.
May 3rd, MY _____ IS AN ECOSYSTEM by livecode.nyc, Harvestworks at Governors Island, New York City, USA. Live Coding Music with Brain Control Interface.
April 18th – May 18th, >> UTOPIE REALISTE << Exhibition, Biennale Tecnologia, Polytechnic of Turin, Italy. Nick Land’s Meltdown AI-fication
April 12th, film screening at CineTech Future Fest, Wrocławska, Poland. Nick Land’s Meltdown AI-fication.
February 29th, Live Coding Music with Brain Control Interface, TOPLAP20, streamed at eulerroom.com, organized by TOPLAP.
February 22nd, Live Coding Music with Brain Control Interface and Ambisonics performance at Studio 1 at the Curtis R. Priem Experimental Media and Performing Arts Center | EMPAC, Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute USA.
Live Coding with KLEO, Liquid noise with SCTweets and audio memes, Solstice 2023 – A continuous 40-hour stream featuring 160 live coding acts, streamed at eulerroom.com, organized by TOPLAP.
Analogue Sacrifice, Purgatory Brooklyn New York, USA.
Serendipitous Liquidators – Live Coding improvisation
dslgjksdlglj at Wonderville, organized by LiveCode.NYC, Brooklyn New York, USA.
Serendipitous Liquidators – Live Coding improvisation
Happening at the AI Center of Excellence, Troy NY, USA.
Serendipitous Liquidators – Live Coding improvisation
New York City Electroacoustic Music Festival, New York, USA.
Serendipitous Liquidators – Live Coding improvisation
Electronic Arts RPI Exhibition, Harvestworks, New York City, USA.
Serendipitous Liquidators – Live Coding improvisation
Stream performance as part of the online residency at the Sound Laboratory, Foreign Objekt, San Francisco CA, USA.
Serendipitous Liquidators – Live Coding improvisation
“B priori” Art Showcase, Collar Works Gallery, Troy NY, USA.
Serendipitous Liquidators – Live Coding improvisation
International Conference on Live Coding (ICLC), Utrecht Netherlands.
Serendipitous Liquidators – Live Coding improvisation
Institute of Sonology, Multi channel concert, Hague, Netherlands.
Serendipitous Liquidators – Live Coding improvisation
Live Performers Meeting 2023, Münster, Germany.
Serendipitous Liquidators – Live Coding improvisation
Nerd Summit 2023, University of Massachusetts Amherst, USA.
Serendipitous Liquidators – Live Coding improvisation
The San Francisco Tape Music Festival 2023, San Francisco CA, USA.
CECIA composition
Ecos Urbanos festival, Curtis R. Priem Experimental Media and Performing Arts Center | EMPAC, Troy NY, USA
Live Coding improvisation
Between The Waves, Collar Works Gallery, Troy NY, USA.
Live Coding improvisation
“Zusammen sind wir weniger allein – Komponieren kollaborativ”, KK project presentation, Ensemble Aventure, Elisabeth Schneider Stiftung, Freiburg, Germany.
“Zusammen sind wir weniger allein – Komponieren kollaborativ”, KK project presentation, Ensemble Aventure, Elisabeth Schneider Stiftung, Freiburg, Germany.
Artescienza Festival 2022, Goethe-Institut Rome, Italy.
CECIA composition
2021 Design Day, Interactive Sound – the Connection Between Technology and Sound (online), Beijing, China.
Immediations installation
International Computer Music Conference 2021 (ICMC), Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile (online), Santiago, Chile.
CECIA composition and Immediations installation
MA/IN [MAtera INtermedia festival], Matera, Italy
CECIA composition
November 27th – 29th 2020, MA/IN 2020 [MAtera INtermedia festival], Matera, Italy
CECIA composition
November 6th 2020, Tesselat Composers Collective, (online)
CECIA composition
October 19th – 23th 2020, 2020 Joint Conference on AI Music Creativity, Royal Institute of Technology (KTH), (online) Stockholm, Sweden
Presentation of the CECIA project-composition
October 11th – 15th 2020, 21st International Society for Music Information Retrieval Conference, (online) Montréal, Canada.
Presentation of the CECIA project composition
September 19th 2020, Almat 2020 symposium on algorithmic agency in artistic practice, Institute of Electronic Music and Acoustics, (online) Graz, Austria
Presentation of Confluent Currents
September 8th 2020, Ars Electronica Festival 2020 | Sound Campus, Kunstuniversität Linz, Austria
Bursty Exorbitance presentation
August 25th 2020, IS IT WORKING? International festival of art, science and technology, Ljudmila Art and Science Laboratory, Ljubljana, Slovenia
Bursty Exorbitance presentation
May 2nd 2020, Virtual BEAST FEaST 2020, University of Birmingham, UK
Presentation of the CECIA project
January 25th 2020, The Sound of Feedback, The Idea of Feedback in Sound, Orpheus Instituut, Canterbury Christ Church University, UK
Presentation of Confluent Currents with Arthur Lanotte-Fauré
October/December 2019, LIPS (Laboratoire In(ter)disciplinaire de Prototypes Scéniques & Sonores), GRAME, Lyon, France
Interdisciplinary experimentation residency, development and presentation of Confluent Currents with Arthur Lanotte-Fauré
December 14nd 2019, Sonic Experiments: Telematics, ZKM | Center for Art and Media Karlsruhe, Germany
Presentation of the CECIA project
November 9th 2019, Klangdom. Hörstücke für 47 Lautsprecher, ZKM | Center for Art and Media Karlsruhe, Germany
Bursty Exorbitance presentation
October 31st -November 3rd 2019, eviMus6. Saarbrücker Tagefür elektroakustische und visuelle Musik, GermanyBursty Exorbitance presentation
October 17th – 19th 2019, [sound]Spectrum New Music Seminar, Bydgoszcz, Poland
Presentation and performance of Contraction Point
Lecture presentation “Exploring music from self-organising systems”
August 3rd 2019, KAMUNA, ZKM | Center for Art and Media Karlsruhe, Germany
Presentation of the CECIA project
May 17th -Juny 2nd 2019, MuSA 2019 10th International Conference onMusic/Sonic Art: Practices and Theories Collaborative creativity / Creative Collaboration, Hochschule für Musik Karlsruhe, Germany
Paper presentation, A collaborative framework for the composition of instrumental music by a group of composers
May 31st – Juny 5th 2019, Wenn Räume klingen, träumen die Ohren, Forum Stadtpark, Graz, Austria
Fluid sonorities on a crafted sphere, multichannel composition for the IKO
March 28th 2019, GAPPP Symposium, IEM Mumuth KUG, Graz Austria
Stack Interchange – game performance with Daniele Pozzi
March 26th – 31st 2019, Florence Multimedia Festival Diffrazioni, Italy
Bursty Exorbitance, 8-channel computer generated composition
December 13th2018, State University of Music and Performing Arts Stuttgart, Germany
Guest seminar “Music from self-organizing systems”
December 11th2018, University of Music Karlsruhe, Germany
Guest lecture “Democratic composing”
September/December 2018, “graphic notation” residency, ZKM | Center for Art and Media Karlsruhe, Germany
Creation of the piece “Bursty Exorbitance“
August 30th – 2nd 2018, PER CHI SUONA IL PAESAGGIO 2018, Forum Klanglandschaft, Vigevano, Italy
Sonic Current, exhibition and presentation
July 23th – 27nd 2018, ALIFE 2018 conference, BEYOND AI A new epistemology for Artificial Life and Complex Systems, National Museum of Emerging Science and Innovation in Odaiba, Tokyo Waterfront City Lying, Japan
Sonic Current, honorable mention at ALife Art Award 2018, video exhibition
July 6th2018, COLLAB call for composition concert, IEM CUBE, Graz, Austria
In search of equipoise, performance ecosystem for microphonist, audience and computer music system
July 6th2018, COLLAB call for composition concert, IEM CUBE, Graz, Austria
New collaborative composition for solo violin, participating composers: Takuto Fukuda, Carlos G. Hernández, Feliz Anne Reyes Macahis, Alexandros Spyrou, Sehyung Kim, Katharina Roth, Yulan Yu, Lula Romero, co-moderation: Artemi Maria Gioti.
June 8th – 15th 2018, Workshop-in-Exposition – Thresholds of the Algorithmic, Lydgalleriet, Bergen, Norway
Sonic Current, exhibition and presentation
May 26th 2018, Sonic Realities, SERG International Postgraduate Research Conference, University of Aberdeen, UK
Contraction Point, Ben Light – Saxophone performance
January 19th 2018, I²AudioLab, Computer Science Department, Faculty TI, UAS Hamburg, Germany
Inter-Perturbations, participative sound installation for tracking and wave field synthesis system
December 7th – 10th 2017, inSonic 2017 Immersive Future, ZKM, Karlsruhe Germany
Sonic Current, exhibition
December 1st 2017, {Raum::Klang} I²AudioLab, Computer Science Department, Faculty TI, UAS Hamburg, Germany
Inter-Perturbations, participative sound installation for tracking and wave field synthesis system
October 1st 2017, AAAS-AAMA Konzert, Klangdom Pischelsdorf, Austria
TOPOI, generative sound installation
August 25th 2017, Audio Mostly, Queen Mary University of London, UK
Workshop: Composing Recurrent Neural Topologies as Generative Music Systems
July 7th 2017, xCoAx 2017, 5th Conference on Computation, Communication, Aesthetics & X, Lisbon, Portugal
Contraction Point, presentation and saxophone performance – Joel Diegert
June 19th – 25th 2017, New York City Electroacoustic Music Festival, Abrons Arts Center, New York City U.S.
Sonic Current, exhibition
May 30th 2017, Open CUBE, Exploring the Extended Saxophone: New Works for Saxophone and Live Electronics, Graz, Austria
Contraction Point, Joel Diegert saxophone performance
May 18th – 21st 2017, Linux Audio Conference, Université Jean MONNET, Saint-Etienne, France
Generative Music with Reccurent Neural Networks, workshop
Sonic Current, exhibition
May 17th – 21st 2017, 13th Athens Digital Arts Festival, Greece
Sonic Current, exhibition
May 6th 2017, Le Festival de M.A.I, (Musiques Actuelles Improvisées), Nice, France
Timelife, performance
March 14th – 25th 2017, Special Olympics World Winter Games 2017, Messe Congress Graz, Austria
Sonic Current, exhibition
March 3rd 2017, Junge SIGNALE, MUMUTH, Graz, Austria
Attractive Correlations, concert installation
February 8th 2017, CUBE IEM, Graz, Austria
Attractive Correlations, concert installation, as part of the GAPPP research project
November 12th 2016, Kulturzentrum bei den Minoriten, Graz, Austria
Self-sustaining Play, game piece for violin and audiovisuals, TRANS – Denken in Klängen
November 7th -13rd2016, BIDDF 2016, Bucharest, Romania
Sonic Current, “The Digital Body” International Exhibition
October 10th -23rd 2016, International Artist Symposium “VORORT_2_draußen”, Starzach-Börstingen, Germany
Artist residency
September 30th 2016, XXI Colloquio di Informatica Musicale – FESTIVAL SPAZIOMUSICA, Cagliari, Italy
Contraction Point, performance
September 14th 2016, 42nd International Computer Music Conference, HKU University of the Arts Utrecht and Gaudeamus Muziekweek, Utrecht, Netherlands
Contraction Point performance
September 9th 2016, CUBE IEM, Graz, Austria
Self-sustaining Play, game piece for Barbara Lüneberg (violin) as part of the GAPPP research project
August 18th -21st 2016, Begehungen Chemnitz 2016 – TA LÄRM, Germany
Sonic Current, group exhibition
August 10th 2016, Toronto International Electroacoustic Symposium 2016, Canada
Contraction Point, presentation and performance
June 27th 2016, Junge SIGNALE, MUMUTH, Graz, Austria
Sonic Current on a twisted surface – sound installation
June 13rd 2016, KiG! – Kultur in Graz, Graz Austria
Oscillating Neurons – sound installation
May 28th 2016, “klingt gut!” Symposium on Sound, Hamburg, Germany
Contraction Point, presentation and performance
May 24th 2016, dronesTruck Audio Graffiti Project, Hamline University, Minnesota U.S.
Explosion Suppression, sound art exhibition
Timelife performance
April 28th 2016, BEAST FEaST 2016 REAL/UNREAL, Birmingham ElectroAcoustic Sound Theatre, United Kingdom
Contraction Point – performance, “Cybernetic Sound Games” – lecture
Januar 26th 2016, CUBE IEM, Graz, Austria
Verschränkte Spielräume, concert-installation for three performers, three rooms, audience and feedback delay network system.
November 27th 2015, ZKM Karlsruhe, Germany
Contraction Point, inSonic2015 aesthetics of spatial audio in sound, music and sound art.
Octomber 16th – Octomber 17th 2015, ZEPPELIN 2015 Ars Electroacustica: Dures pedres precioses, Barcelona, Spain
Contraction Point as fixed media installation.
Octomber 16th 2015, Shedhalle Tübingen – Forum für zeitgenössische Künste, Germany
Timelife performance, GENERATE! Festival für elektronische Künste.
September 9th 2015, Muziekhuis Utrecht, Netherlands
Ascending and Descending, Disklavier project presentation during the Gaudeamus Muziekweek.
June 26th – August 30th 2015, Gallery of City Museum of Aveiro, Portugal
Timelife as video installation, Poetry in Visual.
August 21st 2015, Auditorium School of Art, Design and Media, Nanyang Technological University, Singapore
Timelife performance, Soundislands Festival/2nd International Symposium on Sound and Interactivity.
June 26th 2015, ZKM Karlsruhe, Germany
Contraction Point, game piece for piano and feedback system, GLOBALE next_generation 6.0.
June 22nd 2015, Kulturzentrum bei den Minoriten, Graz, Austria
Ascending and Descending, interactive installation.
June 18th 2015, CUBE IEM, Graz, Austria
Contraction Point, game piece for piano and feedback system.
May 2nd 2015, esc medien kunst labor, Graz, Austria
Game performance on the Martin Rumori’s interactive sound installation “Parisflâneur”.
April 1st 2015, György-Ligeti-Saal MUMUTH, Graz, Austria
As computer musician improviser, SCAN, a project from Klangforum Wien with the composer Bernhard Lang.
January 30th 2015, CUBE IEM, Graz, Austria
Premier of “Timelife”, Open CUBE – Composition Computer music.
January 13th 2015, CUBE IEM, Graz, Austria
As computer musician, “Tag für eine Komponistin” 2015: Juliana Hodkinson, with Scenatet Ensemble and Schallfeld Ensemble.
August 16th 2014, Mazsalaca Culture center, Latvia
Premier of “”Metabolism by Divertimento ensemble, 7th international workshop for young composers.
June 26th 2014, Taidetehdas Tehdassali Porvoo, Finland
Premier of “The Vanishing” by Avanti! Chamber Orchestra, XXIX Summer Sounds Festival.
June 8th 2014, Theatro Ena, Limassol, Cyprus
Premier of “Stratum”, 4th Avaton Music Festival.
May 20th 2014, Kammertheater E-Werk, Freiburg, Germany
“Mexico city” film projection, Klangbild, Musik Visualisiert.
May 11th 2013, E-Werk Freiburg, Germany
Premier of “looking backward” by ensemble chronophonie, EUROMicroFest.
November 28th 2012, Morat-Institut Freiburg, Germany
Premier of “Rekombination” by ensemble recherche, OHNE MICH-Konzert.
June 20th 2012, Hochschule für Musik Freiburg, Germany
As programmer, “Mantra” by K.Stockhausen, digital version, SELMA.
May 16th 2012, Hochschule für Musik Freiburg, Germany
Final concert as part of the master program in instrumental composition.
May 9th 2012, Musikschule Konstanz, Germany
Presentation of the interactive sound installation “Klangbombenspiel”, Tag der offenen Tür.
January 27th 2012, Elisabeth Schneider Stiftung Freiburg, Kulturzentrum Rottenburg Germany
As assistant sound director, Ensemble Aventure.
January 10th 2012, Kunsthochschule für Medien Köln, Germany
“Antiparathesi” with ensemble chronophonie, TONSPUREN.
December 11th 2011, Hochschule für Musik Freiburg, Germany
Premier of “Ablauf”, Ensemblekonzert Junge Komponisten, HfM Freiburg, Germany.
December 3rd 2011, Kommunales Kino Freiburg, Germany
Premier of “Antiparathesi” by ensemble chronophonie, TONSPUREN.
November 13th 2011, Hochschule für Musik Freiburg, Germany
As sound director, Kammerkonzert Elektronische Musik.
July 10th 2011, Hochschule für Musik Freiburg, Germany
Premier of “Ablauf”, Ensemblekonzert Junge Komponisten, HfM Freiburg, Germany.
July 6th 2011, Hochschule für Musik Freiburg, Germany
As computer musician improviser, Physical Computing Improvisation.
June 18th 2011, ZKM Karlsruhe, Germany
Premier of “Innen-Außen-Außerhalb”, next_generation 4.0 KOMMUNIKATION.
Mai 27th 2011, Zurich, Switzerland
“Mexico city” film projection, SOYUZ_21
December 8th 2010, Kunstverein Freiburg, Germany
“Mexico city” live video preformance, Musik-Bilder-Szenen.
October 30th 2010, Corfu, Greece
Premier of “Cypriot-rocks”, Electroacoustic music days.
October 12th 2010, Kunstverein Freiburg, Germany
Premier of “Mexico city” live video preformance, Musik-Bilder-Szenen.
June 22nd 2010, Music Village, Agios Lavredios, Greece
Premier of “Diadroes”, Soundscape Composition Workshop.